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Will we choose to bridge, not deepen our divides?

How Do We Overcome our Differences?

We are a boisterous, diverse country of over 300 million people. We’ve never seen eye-to-eye on everything, but in the past we found space to collaborate and compromise. Today we’ve reached a breaking point. Americans from across the nation and political spectrum are alarmed by the bitter divisions in our country.

Join us on a journey to remind ourselves how to engage our differences more constructively – to see each other as human beings, not as competing political positions. Together we can renew our families, strengthen our neighborhoods, and unite our country, despite our disagreements. Engaging our differences constructively is essential to fulfilling the promise of our nation.

Hear from NICD’s Board members, including Katie Couric, Tom Daschle and Christine Todd Whitman, as well as average Americans, as they share their real-life experiences and hopes for a more perfect union.

Engaging Differences

Key Principles and Best Practices

Engaging in conversation with those who have a different perspective creates opportunities to find common ground and moves our country toward a more perfect union. NICD’s programs are based on several key principles and best practices that are critical to connecting across divides.

Read Engaging Differences Key Principles and Best Practices

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Take Action with Us. Help Bridge our Divides!

We can't wait for elected leaders to solve our problems. We believe that the American people will be our saving grace. It is up to us - everyday Americans - to roll up our sleeves and work to bridge, not deepen, our divides. Join us on this mission.

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